Tuesday, January 19, 2016



When I was visiting my congregation in New Orleans last month, a sister asked me if we have, "pets for the children at the orphanage."

I responded by saying that, "we have animals."  The English word, "pets" just does not seem to fit since pets at least in my experience, generally don't end up on one's dinner plate.  The question got me thinking about how pets are in fact, a luxury.


We have dogs at both the orphanage and the convent where I am living.  The word security would best describe their role.  I often hear the dogs that roam our yard at night, although I have never actually seen them.  Perhaps the presence of dogs are one reason explaining why none of the Holy Cross convents experienced burglary last year when a series of break-ins occurred in various religious residences throughout the country.  One evening a few months ago, I had left my cell phone in the pick up truck; I was afraid to fetch my phone for fear that they dogs had already been released.  Sometimes what is meant to provide security also brings about fear.

While visiting my parents a few weeks ago, I found myself comparing the life of their beloved Boarder-Collie, Quinn, to the nameless convent dogs.  The contrast is quite striking.  Like, people, dogs don't have any choice regarding the circumstances into which they are born.  Quinn may be quite intelligent for a dog, but really she has no idea how good she has it!    

this is where the orphanage dogs spend the day
There are actually a couple of cats at both the convent and the orphanage.   They could possibly be considered pets; at least, they will not end up on our dinner table.  I do attribute their presence to the reality that I have not seen any rats on either property; rats were a common site when I worked near Port-au-Prince. The cats are not supposed to come into the house, although they like to sneak in following those who are not paying attention, or those whose hands are too full to close the door immediately.   When I try to convince them to follow me out of the house, I typically start in Creole and if the cat is not following my directions, I switch to English, then laugh to myself at myself for having the absurd (although only half conscious) thought that switching languages would actually increase the chances of the cat obeying my directives.

Prayer Politics 

Everyone please, pray for a truly just and peaceful resolution to Haiti's current political crisis.Here is the link to one short very recent on-line article, in case you are interested but not yet aware of the situation. http://news.yahoo.com/haiti-presidential-candidate-wont-participate-election-094921349.html

Feast Day Blessings

To my Marianite Sisters and everyone in the Family of Holy Cross, may you experience many blessings as we celebrate the life of our founder, Blessed Fr. Moreau tomorrow.  Happy Feast Day!  Bon Fèt Pè Moreau!        


  1. Kathleen, this blog is incredibly deep and interesting. 💜

    1. Thank you very much for the compliment and for taking the time to read it! I hope you are well. Take care.
