Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Rain and Joy

On rainy mornings as I make my way between the Leocaide Convent and the orphanage, with my colorful rain boots and poncho, sometimes someone will ask me, "blan, ou pa pè lapli?" (White person/ foreigner, you are not afraid of the rain?")  The first time I was asked this, it seemed like a very random question; bewildered I responded, "non, m pa pè lapli."  Upon reflection, I realize that I am fortunate not to have any experiences that have led me to be afraid of rain.  Rain does make travel more difficult for many people.  There are nearby houses which after any significant rainfall become concrete islands in the middle of small ponds.  Flooding can easily occur.  In the south of Haiti, where they recently experienced Hurricane Matthew, they have had too much rain in the weeks since the storm.  I am fortunate never to have experienced mudslides or anything of that sort.  We all know that standing water, which is plentiful after rain, becomes breeding grounds for mosquitoes which carry Malaria, Zika, and other illnesses.  It is also well documented that the number of cholera cases increases following rainfalls.  So, while I am not afraid of the rain, I certainly can understand how and why someone would be.  Let us pray for all of those who have good reason to fear the rain, and may we find ways to at least try to advocate for systemic changes that would decrease the problems caused by rain and experienced by so many people.     

The orphanage cat sleeping in an umbrella.  

No matter what is going on at the orphanage, every day something brings me joy.  It may be the contagious excitement of two-year-olds who are fascinated by an orange caterpillar making its way along the ceramic tile on the porch where I sometimes play with them.  It may be the kind word of a thoughtful employee.  Sometimes it is the enthusiasm of one of the youngest children who always smiles as he asks me when his next group therapy appointment is.  Occasionally it is something in nature like  a beautiful hummingbird passing by.  Sometimes it is my belief that the activity a child did during a session was significant and hopefully healing.  I am grateful for such moments, especially on the more challenging days.  

May you have many moments that bring you joy this week. 

Happy All Saints Day!     


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