Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mèsi Madanm

I was really touched when a stranger, a woman riding a tap-tap into the city, spoke up for me a complete stranger and a foreigner.  The man collecting the money did not want to give me my change at all and then attempted to give me less than he was supposed to.  At first I simply held out my hand waiting for the change. I had watched as others paid and knew that he held enough change for what he owed me.  Once the first woman spoke, other women told him the same thing.   He seemed quite surprised when I told him in Creole that I know how much change I am supposed to get and that this was not my first time on a tap-tap. The kindness of the woman was so much more inspiring than was the guy trying to cheat me out of a very small amount of money bothersome.  The woman could have remained silent, she could have decided that it was not her business.  She had courage and then others agreed with her who may have otherwise been silent too.  I hope I can learn from her example.

Have a good week.  Many blessings!


  1. hi. that was kind of the women to stand up for you. enjoy you day. miss you,

  2. Thanks,Kristin. Have a good day too. Looking forward to seeing you during the summer.
