Tuesday, May 22, 2018


On Thursday there was a lively liturgy in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the sisters' school in the city.  Alumni had come from various locations in Haiti, the US, Canada, and Europe for the occasion.  Tents were set up in the yard to cover former and current students, teachers, sisters and others connected to the school in some way who were present. 

What I will remember most from the day was something I just happened to capture out of the corner of my eyes.  Towards the end of the mass, different groups of people were called forward at different times.  As the group of former students who reside locally walked towards the front, I happened to be looking in the direction of the former students who had traveled a great distance mostly from the US and Canada for the occasion.  I saw two women's eyes meet, one living locally and one who had traveled.  Their facial expressions went from recognition to pure joy as they spontaneously affectionately embraced.  Although I know neither of the women and can only infer the basic story because of the context, as an unknown onlooker I was overcome with a sense of momentary joy as I blinked away a happy tear.   

Friday was Flag Day here in Haiti.  I was at the orphanage when the children got out their little red and blue flags and paraded through the yard beating a drum and the wheelbarrow that contained the drum. They sang and marched through the orphanage and schoolyard. It did not matter that there was no one in the schoolyard to observe their festive parade.  In Haiti, Fèt Drapo, is an important day.   

Saturday night the 60th anniversary of College Regina Assumpta continued with a grand fèt.  There was a meal with many courses and live entertainment, in a celebratory atmosphere.  The high school students served as waitresses, bartenders, entertainers, hostesses and a probably a variety of other behind the scene roles.  I had to smile when one of my English students, who was supposed to be working at another table, came to my table to ask me specifically in English if I wanted something to drink.   
On Sunday the church celebrated the Feast of Pentecost.  May we all be guided by the Holy Spirit during times of celebration and in the more challenging moments of our lives as well. 

Many blessings!


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