Saturday, December 29, 2018


Despite the initial job posting which seemed to indicate that the organization was looking for someone with my exact education, skill set, and experience,
Despite my doing my homework about the organization, which included reading a book written by the couple who started the organization, asking questions, and  visiting before accepting the position,
Despite my taking time to prayerfully discern before even beginning the application process,
Despite my desire and all of my hard work,
the position of Program Administrator at  Brit's Home in Grand Goave simply did not work out as I had hoped and expected.

Two weeks ago, I returned to the United States. 

It was, difficult to say goodbye to children and employees who I had grown to love in the few months that I was there.  All of the children lined up to say goodbye to me the night before I left. We ate cake and danced.  There were lots of hugs and tears. 

After four school years in Cap-Haitian and nearly four months in Grand Goave, it was difficult to leave Haiti without a whole lot of time to prepare and especially not knowing if or when I will return.  Haiti has become a home to me; it has changed me, and mostly for the better.  Despite all of the challenges and problems in Haiti, there is something beautiful and wonderful about the country, the culture, and the people. Already, I miss it. 
Being stateside has advantages too.  It was a gift to be with my grandmother as we celebrated her 90th birthday and to celebrate Christmas with family. 

During my time in Haiti, my religious congregations, family, and friends have been very supportive of me and my work in many different ways.  I am grateful!  Thank you!  I know too that I as I again go through this processes of "re-entry," experience "reverse culture shock" and discern and transition into my next step (wherever and whatever it will be) that there are people in my life who will continue to be patient and supportive, and I am very appreciative. 

I know too that I will carry with me all that Haiti has taught me, and try to use those lessons and all my gifts in ways that benefit others, as I attempt to do my small part towards creating a more just, loving and peaceful world. 

Thank you, for taking the time to read my blog, my Haiti story.  Mèsi anpil! 

May you experience many blessings, peace, and joy during the new year!