Saturday, March 20, 2010

Preparation: Learning Haitian Creole and EMDR

If you pass me while I am driving and I appear to be talking to myself, what I am actually doing is repeating Haitian Creole phrases as prompted by a compact disc.  I do not expect to be fluent when I arrive in Haiti, but am confident that at the very least I will be able to participate in very very basic simple conversations. Hopefully I will be accepted into the Haitian Creole Summer Institute at Florida International University in Miami; if that program does not work out then I may lower my expectation to simply being able to say very important phrases in Haitian Creole.   My application is in so hopefully I will hear soon, that way I can begin to make specific plans. 

Last weekend I attended EMDR training part I offered by HAP (Humanitarian Assistance Programs.)  EMDR is a therapy that can very successfully reduce symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Next weekend I will attend the part II EMDR training.

While I do not know exactly what I will be doing while in Haiti, it seems clear that having at least a basic understanding the language and having tools to assist people who are suffering from trauma will increase my ability to minister effectively.       

I have added some links to this blog so that anyone who is interested can read more about:  EMDR & HAP, the Haitian Creole Summer Institute, the hospitality house where I will most likely be staying, and the sister who I will be staying with.   

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Spiritual Journey....... leading to Haiti

The journey does not stop, it continues. 
I try to listen, try to understand what God invites me to, and do my best to say "yes" to whatever I believe God is inviting me to.
I started a discernment process, sensing that there were unmet needs that God invited me to respond to.  I was feeling somehow called beyond the geographical location and typical ministry options currently available to members of  my community.  I began a discernment process, wanting to understand, how my gifts could meet the needs of those most in need and wanting to most fully be the person God created me to be, not knowing where the process would lead, although at times I thought I knew, but then God surprised me.  I was walking in the dark, I could only see the next step and even that was not perfectly clear much of the way.    

Now, it seems clear that God is leading me to Haiti. This is the next step of my journey.  Haiti is a place where hopefully my skills and experiences can be used to bring hope and healing to those who suffer greatly.  Haiti is a place where God is likely to teach me and challenge me to grow in love. 
 In many ways I am still walking in the dark, and expect to be even especially once I arrive in Haiti.