Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

 On Wednesday Anne Marie, the provincial (sister in leadership) of my community came to visit for a few days.  It was wonderful to see her and to be able to show her where I work and live.  She stayed with me in our little house.  On Thursday she came to Kay Ste. Anne with me in the morning.  I think she was ablet to get a sense of the beauty of the children, the reasons I feel called to work there, as well as the frustrations I sometimes face.  While here, she got to experience a daily liturgy which turned into a funeral when a dead body was carried in during the mass.  She was able to experience holiday celebrations as well, and people who are at times quite joy-filled even though they are often surrounded and have experienced so much suffering.  I think too, she was able to experience the sense of community that exists among the volunteers that are here.  On Friday we got a tour of the city, seeing the brokenness of Portaprince, the tent communities which even now seem filled to overflowing in what this time last year were parks and open spaces.  We passed the presidential palace and the catherderal, still in shambles as if the disaster had happened days ago.  That evening we had a prayer service for the New Year followed by a party on the roof of the former volunteer house.  
Anne Marie brought with her greetings, cards, things for the children and a few much appreciated gifts for me (like a hot pot so I can make tea.)  I am so grateful.  Thank you to all of you who sent greetings, love, donations, stickers, gifts, cards, and notes.  I am truly touched by the generosity of so many people and feel supported in my work here.

After Anne Marie left yesterday morning, there was a visitor's day for the children who have family members.  It was nice to see some of them enjoying time with thier relatives.  New Year's Day in Haiti is also the day in which Independence Day is celebrated.  For our main meal here, a pumpkin soup was served which is the tranditional meal eaten in Haiti on this day.  It was delicious!

I wish you and your family a happy New Year.  Thanks for your support and even for being interested enough to take the time to read this.  I have much to be grateful for as this new year begins.  Let us see where it will lead, after all when this previous year began I had not imagined that this is where I would be now. 


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