Monday, October 13, 2014

A famous singer came to visit the orphanage on Friday evening.  Her name is Melissa, and although I had never heard of her (of course that doesn't mean much as I am not always up on pop-culture) she is apparently quite famous in Quebec, Canada.  There is a possibility that she resided in this orphanage, many years ago when she was a baby, prior to being adopted in Canada.  (Our current program keeps children connected to whatever family they have; none are eligible for adoption.)  Melissa and a camera crew came on Friday afternoon.  The children welcomed her with song and she sang for and with them.  She was given a tour of the houses where the children live.  The children seemed to really enjoy her and she them.  It was a very exciting day here for all involved. She is indeed a very talented singer, which I can appreciate since I am not at all gifted in that realm.  In December her visit should air on television in Quebec.  

Yesterday I had some time just to be with the children when they were playing.  While pushing some of the youngest children on the swings yesterday, I experienced pure joy when they laughed.  There are moments that make any of the challenges I experience all worth while.  When the challenges do come, God always seems to provide just what I need.  On Saturday I was feeling a bit frustrated about a situation, nothing too serious but wishing that I could explain my perspective to someone in English, not to solve the problem but simply express what I was experiencing in the words that are easiest for me to use.  About two minutes after I had that thought, one of the older children came looking for me, saying that a sister was looking for me. The sister who made the journey with me from Portauprince to Cap Haitian, was here at the orphanage (she lives at the convent on the grounds of the high school) and being from western Canada, English is her primary language.  God provides!     
Today I was able to purchase a  klè, which translates to "key;" it is allowing me internet access, and I am glad to be able to connect.  Hopefully it will work always work as well as it seems to be doing right now.  It looks like a larger than usual thumb drive and for a monthly fee I should be able to access the internet anytime, anywhere in Haiti.   

I hope that you are all well.  Many Blessings! 

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