Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to my mother, grandmothers, aunts, and all mothers and mother figures.

Today I was a God mother.  Well, in this program our children's sponsors, (generous people in the US and Europe who agree to send regular payments to help our children who are assigned a child to sponsor,) are often referred to as God parents.  Today though since those God parents do not come, I was considered a Maren (God mother.)  I had the privilege of holding a child in my arms arms, a child who needs assistance to walk because of a physical disability, while he was baptized.  He is a grateful young child with a beautiful smile.  The children were all dressed up, girls in while dresses, and the boys from St. Louie all had little bow ties.  Several truckloads, and small bus trips took the children, some of their family members and workers to a parish church about a half an hour away.  Many children were baptized, and some of the children from St. Louie received first communion,  some even received both sacraments today.  It was a long, (especially for the toddlers) liturgy, but a beautiful one.  The children were attentive and seemed to understand the importance of the day, except for the toddlers, who were very well behaved for toddlers.
Afterwards everyone returned to St. Louie for a fet (party.)  It was fun.  The children and family members who came really seemed to enjoy themselves.  My job was cutting the large, beautiful cake into a couple hundred pieces for all of the children, guests and workers.
It was a good day.  I hope you had a good one as well.      

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