Sunday, February 6, 2011

A year after the inital idea, six months since my arrival

If I remember correctly, it was just about a year ago, some time last February, when the initial possibility of going to Haiti was discussed. The very day it was mentioned as a possibility, I did some searches online for programs to learn Haitian Creole. A year later, after hours of listening to mp3 files and cds, using a program on the computer, a free on line class for eight weeks, and six weeks of intense university courses, and six months living in Haiti, I can speak very basic Haitian Creole, but continue to struggle with listening comprehension. If I better understood what people were saying, I would be able to do more clinical work, which there is a great need for. Yet, what I am doing now does have its advantages too, and I am enjoying it, probably able to reach more childre

Yesterday, we had another day for relatives to visit the children who reside at Kay St. Anne and St. Louie. This is always interesting. It seems so good for the children who have relatives who come. It seems so difficult for those who do not. Some of the children who have visitors seem to have such a hard time when they leave. I watched as a baby did not recognize the older woman who came to visit her (not sure if it was a grandmother or an aunt) in a typical developmentally appropriate display of stranger anxiety, the child cried for the workers she knew and the elderly woman ended up spending some of her time holding some of the other small children who had no visitors and less stranger anxiety

A few days ago they announced the results of the recount from the elections, and while there was word of some manifestations in some areas, it was not large scale, not in the immediate area where I am, and did not affect the school being opened or anything of that sort. Most people seem satisfied with the decision and the change in candidates as the initial "count" was likely not a reflection of the real results. There are some questions as to what will happen in coming days as the current president is scheduled to step down, and the actual election will not take place until March. Also, Arisitde is expected to return to Haiti soon.
Well, I am looking forward to spending some days in the United States soon. I am hoping that there won't be any snow storms that affect my travel plans when I arrive, and no political situations here that shut down the airport here in Haiti later this week.

So, hopefully I will see some of you soon, si Dye vle.

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