Saturday, February 14, 2015


Tuesday was supposed to be my day off.  Last Tuesday it seemed complicated to plan to go somewhere else in the morning and still go to Creole class in the afternoon, since Tuesday is the only day I was going to class.  I tried to take some quiet time that morning, but then there was a child who had not gone to school, and well it was not a morning off from work by any means....  So I decided that this Tuesday I would spend the morning at a nearby convent, which is located in a neighborhood where I have been told it is safe to go for a walk.  I made arrangements so that I could spend a restful morning walking near another convent and still go the Creole class for the last time in the afternoon.  It is really no wonder that people here often use the expression "si Dye vle" after saying what they plan to do, because plans are often changed by circumstances beyond one's control.  Everything I thought I need for that morning and for the afternoon class was in my back pack, I was ready to go.  On Tuesday there were protests here in Cap-Haitian, because many people want to government to lower the price of gasoline.  So, I was informed that it was not wise to leave the lakou (yard) on Tuesday.  I attempted to go for a long leisurely walk within the confines of the walls surrounding the property here; since the children did not have school and wanted to walk with me, my walk was different than I had been imagining.  I decided that I would close the wooden door to my room, often I leave it open if I am in my room during the day, since there is a decent screen door that keeps out mosquitoes but allows the breeze and sun light to enter.  After a little while I was startled when someone was at my bedroom window calling my name.  A child was peering in the window to tell me that another child wanted assistance with English homework.  So, my morning off was just not going to happen.  When I heard that there would not be any Creole class because of the manifestations, I choose to follow Wednesday's schedule on Tuesday so that I could go to Creole class on Wednesday without skipping any of the children's group therapy sessions for the week.  Hopefully next week, I will be able to take the day off, and spend it off site; at this point instead of saying "Si Dye vle", I want to say, "Please God", which is what my Irish grandmother would use in pretty much the same way Haitians tend to use "Si Dye vle."

On Wednesday the truck broke down on the way to the high school where we have Creole Class.  So we took a tap-tap, which is a pick up truck with seats in the back.  Usually they are very crowded but since we were going into the city at time when most people were leaving, this was not the case.  It is cheaper to take a tap-tap a longer distance here than it was for me to take the tap-tap in Tabarre four years ago (half the price actually.)  We had a small party during class.  I am grateful for the class and all that I learned.    

On Thursday I started teaching English classes to a young adult who used to live at the orphanage who is now in a training program to prepare her to work at a hotel.  

On Friday the Mardi Gras celebrations began; the children had a party at school.  Their faces were painted and many had on hats or headbands, and glitter in their hair before they left.  They were very excited.  It was wonderful to see them so happy as they left for school!  There may be a few photos on the Mary Gate of Heaven Facebook page if you are interested.

Bon Fèt Madi Gra!  Many Blessings!

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