Saturday, September 22, 2018

Third week: Books, Video and a Hammock!

Thanks to my parents and grandmother, we now have a library of over 200 books for the children in their own language!  The teachers are already making good use of the books to encourage reading and teach Science topics to the children.  Last night a couple of the evening time staff members read with and to the children using the new books.  Some children have stopped by my office to read the books.  I'm not sure which I enjoy more, reading to the children or listening to them read to me; either way, I'm delighted.  We are going to organize a library space and create a system so that we can keep track of the books and allow the children to borrow them.  Thank you, Mom and Dad and Grandma!  Mèsi anpil! 

For the first time in the eight years that I have been blogging, I am uploading a video.  Last week, I was interviewed about my new position.  It speaks for itself.  Enjoy!       

When I was attending a therapy training conference several years ago, we were directed to imagine ourselves in a safe and peaceful place.  In my imagination, I was in a comfortable hammock by the sea, where the weather was warm and a gentle breeze blew.  I could hear the gentle waves on the sand and smell the salty air.  I thought about that on my day off this week, because I actually spent my day in a such a place!  Of course, I did not stay in the hammock the entire day, after all, there was a beach to walk and beautiful water for swimming.  It was a peaceful, restful and wonderful day for which I was very grateful.       

I am doing well and hope that you are well too.  Thank you for taking the time to read my update.  Many blessings! 

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