Saturday, August 7, 2010

Safe Arrival

I arrived safely in Haiti today.  I am writing from the hospitality house.  It is very nice.  My accommodations are very good.   

There were no major problems getting here, just a couple tiny glitches which were worked out relatively quickly.  For example, I was sharing a taxi from the dorm to the airport with another student because the dorms closed yesterday and I was flying out today.  This made sense because we were both going to the Airport Days Inn; only I did not know that there were two Days Inn Hotels in Miami that have airport in their title.  So I ended up at the one that did not have my reservation; my classmate did have a reservation there, but they could not switch mine, fortunately they both have free airport shuttles, which is how I got from one to the other. 

I used the hotel airport shuttle this morning as well and apparently dropped my wallet in the airport shuttle, which I realized I did not have at the baggage check.  I called the hotel as soon as I realized I had lost my wallet.  They found it in the van and the shuttle driver brought it to me quickly.  I am so grateful for the Days Inn Airport shuttle drivers!

It took a little longer for me to get picked up at the airport than I expected, but things have a way of working out. 

We passed many people in the streets on the way to the house.  It is a densely populated city.  There is a lot of rubble from buildings damaged during the earth quake.  We passed many tent communities all around.   It is hard to describe; my words are not doing it justice.  I got a tour of the house, met some people.  Sr. Mary took me through the tent community in the soccer field.  There are a lot of children.  People are friendly.  We went to the grocery store which was not too different from a small grocery store you might find at home. We bought frozen pizza which we had for dinner; it was quite good. 
It just started raining and there is a wonderful breeze which is cooling everyhting off. 
I hope you are all doing well. 
Take care,

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